Getting To Know the Brand

I'm Danyel, a young black entrepreneur from Atlanta, Georgia.
As a kid I always dreamed of being a part of something bigger than myself, a movement to change other people's lives positively. Art and music was definitely the driving force in that aspiration.
My mother was the person to offer me the most valuable encouragement, assuring me that through God, I could do all things. She fueled my desire to make a difference, but when she passed in 2009 that fire in me slowly died. Being only 15 years old, it was hard for me to understand why this had happened.
Upon reaching adulthood, I had an epiphany about my life. No longer could I simmer in my frustration and confusion about my life tribulations. It was time for me to restore my child-like faith and revamp my perspective. So, I decided to utilize my artistic talents to create a fashion brand that celebrates life, gives glory to God, and encourages others to be comfortable in their own skin. Especially melanated skin.
What is ISOM about?
The foundation of Infinite Source of Melanin is constructed with integrity, positivity, and faith. I've taken full advantage to use this brand to promote self-love, self-awareness and the word of God.
The oppression of the African-American race and many other colorful races throughout history is also a topic that inspires this brand; however, my goal is not to highlight that struggle. My goal is to help melanated individuals acknowledge their resilience, strength, and beauty. Assure them that melanin is no burden; it is power.
The motive for this brand is bigger than a check. It's more important than acknowledgement. It's all about encouraging individuals, regardless of race, to be at peace and to be blessed to live as who God created them to be.
To further help accomplish those goals, I plan to donate to non-profits that help educate the youth and start my own organization to help develop and promote young, black entrepreneurship.